Product Description
Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime, the Justice Gundam model kit is in 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The Justice Gundam also includes the Fantum-00 giant backpack, that can detach from the Justice and allow the Justice to ride on top of it.
All weapons including the shoulder mounted beam boomerangs, beam rifle, beam sabers and movable turrets on the Fantum-00 are faithfully recreated with unprecedented detail. Also, included are hand parts to pair with RG Freedom Gundam to recreate a tender scene from the anime.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of plastic
- From Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
- Fully articulated figure once complete
Box Contents
- Pieces to build
- Justice Gundam
- Boomerangs
- Beam rifle
- Beam saber
- Fantum-00 giant backpack
- Decals
- Instructions