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P-Bandai MG 1/100 Gundam F90 Mission Pack R type and V type Model Kits

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Product Description

*MG 1/100 Gundam F90 sold separately

Celebrating Mobile Suit Gundam F90 A to Z project, emerges a brand new equipment mission packs for the MG 1/100 Gundam F90.

Mission Pack R (Reconnoiter) - A mission pack that is newly developed by Mr. Kunio Okawara for the Gundam F90 A-Z project to provide the Gundam F90 a spy type equipment.
The Gundam F90 is equipped with stealth system attached to its backpack that is extended to the front side of its body.
This expansion pack also features two cabled camera units attached to the sides of its arms.

Mission pack V (V.S.B.R.) Variable Speed Beam Rifle- A substantial prototype for the F91 unit, which was developed as a test base equipment for the armament of the new main MS of the Federal Army.
VSBR unit is composed with a backpack unit featuring two significant high powered cannons to give the Gundam F90 additional fire power just like the F91.
Both Gundam F90's combat and flight capabilities are expanded by installing two pairs of heat fin radiators on its legs and shoulders.
The kit is also completed with a new Gundam F90 beam rifle, installed with scope to its side for extended range use.